The meeting started at 11:35 A.M.. The Toastmaster of the Day was Jane Liu. Maureen Armbruster gave the Thought of the Day related to leadership. Jim McLean gave the Word for the Day "Loquacious". There were four prepared speeches : Jeane Ryan presented the play "A Sunny Morning"; Herman Gallardo shared the difficulty of buying clothing that fit him on "Fit To Be Tied"; Jeff Bolognese talked about the moral of the story "Abducted from Reality"; and Tex Baird was ready for the cold Maryland winter on "Cold Weather Clothing".

The General Evaluator was Angie Upshur. Regina Cody evaluated Jeane Ryan. Evette Brown-Conwell evaluated Herman Gallardo. Herb Blodget evaluated Jeff Bolognese. Martha O'Bryan evaluated Tex Baird. The Whisker Counter was Eva Illescas. The Time Keeper was Bill Pullen. Grammarian was Pat McHale. The Ballot Counter was Ye Hong.

The best evaluator was Regina Cody. The best speaker was Jeane Ryan.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 P.M..

Reminder : Membership renew for FY 1998. I'll send out the detail information.

minutes by Jane Liu, Code 480