The meeting started at 11:35 A.M.. The Toastmaster of the Day was Martha O'Bryan. Maureen Armbruster gave the Word for the Day, "Peroration". Herb Blodget gave the Thought of the Day. There were three prepared speeches : Eva Illescas gave her icebreaker speech "Where, When, and How"; Jane Liu gave the speech about our attitude when we experienced difficult situations; Jeane Ryan rehearsed her speech on "Preparation for a Play : A Sunny Morning -- Take Two". There were four Table Topics contestants : Pat McHale talked about "Food Paramount": Tex Baird shared about his favorite fruit; Connie Houchens talked about "Ways to release stress"; and the new comer, Joe Cockey shared about "Maintaining positive attitude".The General Evaluator was Pat Greco. Michael Parrish evaluated Eva Illescas. Paul McCeney evaluated Jane Liu. Carol Bleile evaluated Jeane Ryan. The Whisker Counter was Chris Scherer. The Time Keeper was Regina Cody. Grammarian was Jim McLean. The Ballot Counter was Claudia Brevard.
The best Table Topics contestants was Tex Baird. The best evaluator was Paul McCeney. The best speaker was Eva Illescas. The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 P.M..
minutes by Jane L. Liu, Code 480