I hope everyone had a nice holiday !!!

The meeting started at 11:35 A.M.. The Toastmaster of the Day was Chris Scherer. Jeane Ryan volunteered to give the prepared speech. The title of her speech was "A Sunny Morning", and was from the Advanced Manual -- Interpretive Reading. This was a preview of a formal speech which will be presented next month. The Table Topics Master was Pat Greco. There were five Table Topics contestants : Michael Parrish talked about the legacy of Santa Clause; Martha O'Bryan shared about unusual things done during Christmas; Jeff Bolognese shared about Super Bowl Sunday; Jennifer Davis shared about cheering for the favorate sports team; and Paul McCeney commented about the girl killed in the car accident caused by the diplomat.

The General Evaluator was Michael Parrish. Maureen Armbruster evaluated Jeane Ryan. The Whisker Counter was Jane Liu. The Time Keeper was Martha O'Bryan. Grammarian was Jennifer Davis. The Ballot Counter wasRegina Cody.

The best Table Topics contestants was Michael Parrish.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:40 P.M..

Additional Notes:

The club is looking for Sergeant-at-Arms position. The only requirement is to show up at the meeting twice a month. If you are interested, please contact any one of the officers.

Officer's training : Saturday, 1/18/97, at Executive Plaza North in Rockville, Md., and Saturday 1/25/97, at Bell Atlantic in Silver Spring. If you need more detail, please contact Jeff Bolognese.

Area 45 International Speech Contest will be held in March 97. We will have our own competition on February 26, 97. Please sign up for speech or table topic contest, or as evaluator.

minutes by Jane L. Liu, Code 480