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Club 3496, District 36, Area 42

Membership Application Instructions

[Click here for a copy of the membership application]


This document describes application instructions for new members of the Goddard Toastmasters Club. It also lists actions required by various club officers (who should do what, with back-ups) for sending the new member information to Toastmasters International (TI), collecting and depositing new member dues, and adding the new member to the club mailing list and the web-based meeting schedule. Any club member may sponsor a new member to our club. All members should know

To that end, this document will be kept on the Goddard Toastmasters web site under the section “Forms and Documents”.

The Toastmasters International Membership Application (TI item 400) is shown in sections on the following pages. Each page lists specific instructions for the accompanying section. Some examples follow the instructions. The section following the application information lists which officers (and a back-up) need what member information and payment. The final section lists who to contact in the NASA/GSFC education office to handle payment information for civil servant new and continuing members. Some things to note about billing:

Detailed Instructions

Member Personal Information

Membership app. instructions 1: personal info

  1. The image above shows the member information section of the application with the Goddard Toastmasters club name, number, and district number filled in.
  2. The supplied e-mail address will become the user login-credential at the Toastmasters International web site, www.toastmasters.org.

Payment Information

Membership app. instructions 2: payment info

  1. The new member fee is $20.00 as of 2012-2013.
  2. New members joining in months April – September are responsible for the amounts shown on the form for those months. This covers the payment period from the present time until the end of the Goddard Toastmasters billing year, 30 September. Members who join in October through March are responsible for the amount shown on the form in the same row and for an additional $36.00. The amount on the row covers the TI payment period until 31 March while the $36.00 covers remainder of the Goddard Toastmasters billing year (1 April through 30 September).
  3. Payment of all dues (Goddard Club and Toastmasters Interantional, combined) should be made by check to “Goddard Toastmasters”. The Treasure or President will deposit the check in the NASA FCU club account.
  4. Note that civil servants need only pay $6.00 for the Goddard Toastmasters Club dues. However, the TI dues and new member fees must be calculated for civil servants (as they are for contractors) so that education office can make the correct payments to Toastmasters International.

Example 1
Membership app. instructions 2: example 1

Example 2
Membership app. instructions 2: example 2

Sponsor Information

Membership app. instructions 3: sponsor info
  1. Any club member may sponsor a new member.
  2. Goddard Toastmasters club data are shown above
  3. Sponsor’s member number may be found on the mailing label of the Toastmasters magazine, or under the Goddard Club Roster in the Club Central area of www.toastmasters.org.

Signature Information

Membership app. instructions 4: signature info
  1. New member and any club officer sign the form.
  2. Form/member data is entered into the TI web site by the VP Membership, Treasurer, or President.
  3. Check is deposited by Treasurer or President.
  4. New member downloads instructions for first speech, The Icebreaker, from www.toastmasters.org/icebreaker .

Final Actions

  1. Find a club mentor for the new member.
  2. VP Membership will forward member information to NASA/Goddard Education Office which pays the new member TI dues (not the Goddard Toastmasters club dues of $6.00) directly to TI. VP Membership should designate another officer to perform this duty before occasions of planned leave. In general, all officers should designate a backup to perform their duties as necessary before a planned leave of absence.
  3. VP Membership contacts Webmaster, who adds club member to Goddard Toastmaster Schedule page via web admin form.
  4. VP Membership contacts club e-mail list manager, who adds club member to goddard-toastmasters list via GSFC lists interface form.

Renewing Members

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The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters' members, for Toastmasters business only. It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information. All rights reserved. Toastmasters International, the Toastmasters International logo and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Toastmasters International and may be used only by permission. The names "Toastmasters International","Toastmasters" and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Maintained by:

Nicholas Collins

updated 15 August 2012